Happy Vishu, it's time to clear up a few things from my house. Also use this opportunity to kick in some charity. Royal Enfield - Racing V Twin edition - Size M/58 - Limited edition. The rules are simple. 1 - Make a donation of your choice to the org of your choice. Take a screenshot and send it to me via DM. 2 - Like share subscribe so as to bring in maximum participation and generate some more monies for the needy. 3 - Do no ping me asking what's the maximum amount so far. 4 - Do not offer to buy out the helmet at a particular cost. 5 - We run this for 24 hours, and whoever has put in maximum amount of charity, gets the helmet. 6 - charity from today is what counts and not what you have done earlier, even if it means it's 5 mins before the post. 7 - If you are in bangalore, i will get this dunzoed or can be picked up locally. For others, the courier charge will apply. #SarathShenoy #SlipNSlideADV #Charity #SpreadLove


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