Riding around on a sun-kissed day sounds like a dream, but it comes with its own problems. With a riding jacket on, it can often become an uncomfortably hot experience and can ruin an otherwise perfect ride. It is essential to have a well-ventilated jacket that offers breathability and protection at the same time. With summers on the horizon, we’re giving away streetwind riding jackets, which come with a high airflow breathable mesh that will help you stay cool on a hot day and pair of summer gloves to keep you comfortable on your journey. To participate, follow @royalenfieldlifestyle and drop a comment below that tells how the summer heat made it difficult for you to enjoy your ride. 3 luck winners get to win the pair #StreetwindJacket #SummerGloves Participate now! #SundayGiveaway #GiveawayAlert #SarathShenoy #REApparel #REGear #RoyalEnfield @royalenfield


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