Many many years ago when I decided to go explore the country, I didnt know it would grow on me. I dint have a plan nor did I see a future. Idea was to travel for a while and then go back to doing something else. Over 7 years and countless rides later, today I celebrate 100 days in the mountains. An experience that you cannot express in words, you have to be here to know what it feels like to be afraid as well as to be confident of what you want. I am still unsure what's around the corner, but with a ready to go motorcycle and good friends, I am sure it's definitely going to be fun. My friends, family and sponsors have helped me go places that I only knew of in map. Now that I have traveled through these places, I feel a sense of achievement. To more rides and experiences, cheers. #SarathShenoy #AdventuresOnAKTM #100Days #HowIsYourCubicleToday


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