Riding up the mountains and getting high on the excitement might pump in much adrenaline but do you now the damage that our body goes through? Did you know the altitude change from chandigarh to Manali to leh, if not done right can kill our brain cells? The lack of Oxygen hits the Brain first and that is enough for the body to give up. By the time you reach Sarchu your body is tired and you need rest, and around the same time the change in altitude and lack of Oxygen kicks in putting the body at high risk. If you survive this and continue up the mountains and ride higher without rest, you might loose memory, Like damaging the clusters on your hard drive. The recovery might depend on how you handle yourself. The risks involved is so much that sometimes I wonder if its all worth it You are no macho man, your body has to acclimatize as you move up, if its Leh, take the SriNagar route. If its Shinkula, take the ranghdum route. If you are flying into Leh, take a days break and do nothing, Just chill drink Kawa. That one day might just save your life. Also, Manali to leh is under 500 kms but it's unlike bangalore hyd or bangalore pune. Its not flat sea level roads. Every meter gains altitude and body is fighting for survival. Don't die, don't leave us in Pain. Its not worth it. Take guidance from people who have done it a few times. And for God's sake don't take diamox, DRINK WATER, SLOW DOWN YOUR JOURNEY! Mountains aren't going anywhere!


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