I have been thinking about a #Throwback series but never could sit down and line them up.This popped up on my photos time line and has paved the start somehow. About 10 years ago, me and my good buddy Vinu decided to ride across the County. Less did we know how big and beautiful the country is. With whatever money and luck was in the pocket, we rode from Bangalore via Mumbai- Ahmedabad - Udaipur - Delhi - Hrishikesh - Jhansi - Hyderabad and back home to bangalore. About 8000 kms in 16 days. And I just realised, all this should go on a blog and spare you the troubles. So tomorrow I write. :D Also that's the OG @royalenfield #Thunderbird A. K. A #FireFly. #SarathShenoy #MemoriesFromARide #TimeLessClassic


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