The money shot! Special thanks to @geoantoni0 , without his guidance and daily route plan updates we wouldn't have cracked this. With a bit of patience and my talking skills we managed to get a ferry for ourselves. Not #JustAnotherDay Shot but just another day on #LifeBeginsAt250. Go recreate it! :) #LifeBeginsAt250 #250ProLeague #250ccProLeague #RideLikeAPro #JoinThe250ccProLeague #250 #250cc #xBhp #xBhpFamily #KTM #Adventure #KTMAdventure #250Adventure #Adventure250 #ADV #TravelEnduro #AdventureTourer #Tourer #ExploreLikeAPro #SarathShenoy #DualSport #AdvRider #adventure #keralagram #endekeralam @xbhp @250ccproleague @ktm_official @ktm_india


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