You can ride all the fancy bikes around the world (I haven't yet), but you always come home to be reminded of your first bike (it wasn't #FireFly) . #FireFly was my 4th bike but took me on the first road trip that taught me 1 - places aren't going anywhere 2 - you can never be prepared enough. 3 - you don't need a fancy bike or a basic bike with fancy accessories to take you from point A to B. On that note, boys and girls please don't go building a tank around your motorcycle and making it heavier than what it already is, Add only things that's really needed. The crash guard that you added is about 5 kg's, and the chances of it breaking your ankle/Shin is more than saving your bike. I once got my shin injured coz the crash guard bend and locked my leg. Thankfully I was at a very slow speed and the bike stopped after sliding around a bit. Please note that I am not against crash guards, just that most of the ones readily available aren't designed well. Either they break you or break the chassis. What are your thoughts? What was the first thing that you added on your bike and you think, fack such a waste of money. Also this one from #arunachalpradesh enroute #Tawang with borrowed saddle bags from @roshankamat and a flygt tank from @viaterragear that i won around that time. #motorcycle #thougts #SarathShenoy #Chasingadventures #OneLifeToTravel


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