Sirji Kab???

       It all started couple of years back when saketh pinged me on whatsapp and sent across the map of kolli hills, with 72 sharp hair pin bends, it looked kickass. Every time he came up with a plan, i  agreed and religiously gave haath two days before the schedule. :D This time too i played the same card, but less did I know shaik and Ramesh  would tag along and drag my ass across.

So after a couple of days of planning, and last minute changes we decided to  meet up at 4:30 am at the start of elevated high way,and as planned we met up at 6:30 and with out any ciggi breaks  rode ahead.first break happened around krishnagiri for some idli vada, chai and kesari bath! Thank you mats I am falling your footsteps, Atleast around food. :D

The climate changed from cold to hot to humid to fucking unbearable. We took some breaks and managed to reach Namakal, luckily no TVS nor any drunk buggers jumped around and created any trouble.

Once you reach namakal the whole scene changes, its greenary all around, roads are narrow where ever that exists, lets you test out your off road skills.  We later figured out there was a better  but boring road, glad we missed. After taking a long break for the bike to cool and we warmed ourselves with some hot coffee we rode up the mountain. Locals call it kolli malli and will guide  you  if you are lost, seems like this is the only tourist attraction around.

These 70 hair pin bends were to die for, literally. One mistake and you will be scraping your ass along with the knee. First stop was at the 30th hair pin bend which already had few people around.  a good view point came handy. I had to
let the firefly cool down. the clutch started to heat up and I was sure to break it if i continued. Remember Royal Enfield marks its territory by spraying oil  all around? mine used to puke out more than what it had, so I came prepared. :D and this is when Darren and Rajesh would thup at me. :D i taped up a 1 litre bottle and put the over flow pipe in.  that way, it doesn't fall on the tyres and I  go superman.:D and for a change my jugad worked.

After few near to death experiences and bum burning a triumph rider we reached the top of the mountain, next mission was to go get a place to sleep or ride down the 70 again and reach namakal. We did try booking in advance but this being a long weekend nothing worked out. We decided to drop in at the resorts and give it a try any ways. after couple of places we landed up at nala thambi  resorts and managed to get a dorm. We were promised some good food and  if nothing else atleast chicken. I remembered Darren talking about his experience at this place and was sure something is  gonna fuck up, we just had to wait and watch.

It was about 5 and  we were contemplating on the sunset point. The married bachelors had a target, they had to click so many pics and had to do so many calls on time every time! They followed the  commandments thrust upon them though the network played spoilt sport, they took turns used whatever phone was available and kept the calls going long enough before the wives said fine go have fun, but yes call me in 1 hour I am waiting. :D

We managed to get some KF premium beers from the near by Tasmac, We were prepared for tiger or dear or whatever they were to throw on us.

Couple of beers some good food and a long night before we ride out the next day, that was the plan. But Nala Thambi was not nallavan,  We where told to wait until 8:30 for some non veg food and around 8:30 we were told its all over,After arguing for a while they managed to get us some Kababs and fish. below average food but well we had to eat something now that its late and dark. Finished up the food and after catching up on  our days around Tesco we slept. Seems like our body clock was all in sync, 6:15 sharp we were all up and ready to go.

Kolli wasn't ready to see us off that early though, it was cold and foggy. It rained previous night and added that brought out the hill station feel to it.

After some coffee we rode down the mountain and scraped our foot pegs as hard as we could, Whatta joy! God tyres and some good luck, played along well and we reached down the foot hill in no time.  Break drums were all heated up and we could see some fumes coming out of it. :D

The roads up and down the mountain is good however its all steap, blind and more like O turns than C or U. You have to be holding on to all you got while you rip through those turns, I did, I only lost my kicker, rest all stayed on the bike. :D Only after the breakfast stop did i realise that the kicker fell off somewhere and now I was at the mercy of my friends to push start the bike.hehe.

We planned to ride through mettur dam route so as to avoid the highways, at least a major part of it. spoke to someone and took the namakal rasipuram route which is brilliant,you go up and a down a kutty hill and then ride through some good back roads. we missed the turn to mettur and took the by pass that connects to salem the boring high way. after couple of breaks and looooong never ending highway ride, we reached bangalore all alive and with ear to ear grin, said adieu and decided to do similar rides atleast every two months. Just the boys, no pillions. :D

Note - kolli hills is about 250 kms from Bangalore and you could choose a route of your choice, highways or back roads, choice is yours and destination is awesome  
Sarath -The Firefly
Saketh -The duke, I wonder if he stole it, coz he rides like it. :D
Shaik - GT the new CONTI - New kid on the block, red and roaring -
Ramesh- The Tbird - wished it came with AC though. :D
Photo courtesy - all tha boyzzz


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