Gimme REd!

        Two hammers where the story around the old Enfields, the Conti isn't the same. There has been a lot of improvements over the years and you can feel the difference when you ride the new GT. She is big, she is fast and she is RED.
       After a long night of beers and sherlock holmes, I woke up around 6:30 and was out riding by 7,ya as usual no taking bath or brushing.Whats the point? Its gonna be raining all way through and I am gonna stink anyways. :D.
       I havent seen Mahabs yet and wanted to stop over for some coffee and pictures. This was the very first time that I took the ECR route and trust me it was worth it. Starting early helped and I managed to avoid all the traffic and entered  ECR  all excited.Just as i started to gun the bike it rained heavy and cold, i was dreanched in no time and my leather jacket and gloves clung to me like my ex girlfriend.It sucked, Imean the leather :D.
      Took shelter under one of those trees while Isaw all those cars and trucks overtaking me and giving out that grin.I was at the recieving end this time. Tit for Tat!!! Hmmm..
       After making many stops for chai and photos I reached Mahabs around 10 and found it crowded. I was worried around the bike and took off straight to Pondi.
The view is beautiful the road is bumpy and all the 4 wheelers around were arseholes!
      You are wearing a riding gear and that means you are here to race and guess what I am the new Rossi! People fail to understand things and have to prove there dumbness. Here two boys on a R15 came close honked couple of times and took off. While I wanted to play road rash I slowed down and let them win.I took many stops to click the GT, though I was disappointed to have not carried my camera I figured its best to make use of what you have and stop crying! So the micromax A110 Canvas2 went click crazy and got me some good snaps.
         Cops where all over the place and stopped random vehicles for checking. I was lucky and was stopped only once that too to know what I was riding and where I got it modified.:D
          Reached Pondi by 12 and went right up to the rocky beach. The sea calms your mind down and puts your mind to thinking.After going through all my mistakes in life and why I should repeat it I walked up to Le Cafe  at the beach, had hot chocolate some sandwich  and I turned back.Filled up the tank and met our boys on R15 again, this time they were high on beers and wanted to play Rossi again. I let them pass and caught up with them much later. This time they where off the bike and all over the road. They misjudged a turn, skid and went scrapping and stopped at the railing.Multiple scars and wounds and no fractures.Though the Bike was totalled, I believe any accident that you can get up and walk out from is ok. You learn from your mistakes and you are happy to be alive and riding again.
       Back to the Red Beast, While the top speeds are similar to other models GT has many things that will get you  hooked. The Paioli shocks, aluminum rims, pirelli tires, fibre fenders and above all a 535 cc fuel injected engine that brings out about 29 bhp on stock. My ride was a Dirty GT that I rode from chennai to pondi on the beautiful ECR road. Dirty coz the rain gods have been playing games and we clearly knew there is no point washing the bike. This was a factory bike and had some minor mods to it. Am I lucky or what?  Anyways with about the 29+ bhp that she makes she is more of a road bike. With the seating posture it's tough to take her off roading unless you have solid body strength. I jumped couple of speed breakers while standing on the foot rest and felt stable and strong, lands well and growls ahead. There are vibrations as you speed up to120 kmph but if you don't gun it You can manage to cruise around 100 and enjoy the ride. The grin gets bigger as others look at you in envy and wish they rode one. The bright red paint job makes the bike stand out and you for sure have earned that grin.The 535 cc engine is currently GT specific so for the off roader lovers or tourers you might have to mod the seating posture. And ya the 500's can be rebored to be a 535 but it wont be a GT, Would it?
GT comes in red and yellow.Back seat cowl can be removed to make it a two seater or for people like me more luggage.:D
Some pics below.


Bizzu said…
Oye... Where is firefly? you dumped her?

Nice write up though, good job riding the rains and the twist on R15 was good :) - good to hear, they survived ;)
sarath shenoy said…
Noooo Firefly is here to stay. She is getting some Spa treatment and will be back in few days.
thankz.dont push me much i might end up writing too often. :P and ya alls well when you can walk out of it alive. :)

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